Sunday, May 30, 2010

It Is Still About God

Ahh. Today I led worship at my "home church". Two services, 7 extra hours of work this week unpaid to pull it off (as it was for everyone with me), and I feel fulfilled.

I didn't achieve all that I dream of artistically, but I shipped with several others the extra 10%. In the words of Seth Godin, we shipped. Why? Because of God, for God, to God.

I wrote a song years ago called "But to God", and it captures this sentiment (you can find it on itunes). At the end of the day, today was great, because it was about God.


Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rough Cut of Song One of Three Done!

June is a big month of production for me, so I have to get ahead of the game. Last night I finally fired up the studio and got a rough cut of song one of the three planned for my impending to be named June EP. Ahh, sweet progress!!

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rejuvenate You

We were invited out to camp this weekend by some new friends. People we truly like and want to get to know better. It became somewhat of a running joke, after the first conversation when my lovely bride informed the group, they would never get me to go. Why? I truly dislike camping. Not only does it not make me feel better, it drains me. Hey, I am older and wiser, and I know I will find a way to bond with these great people, but like the hulk being green, they would not have liked me camping!


Conversely some great friends did the last minute, "come by for a swim and burgs", call! We went and had an amazing leisurely afternoon with solid conversation and fantastic family time... Energizing!


Now you may conclude from this that I am simply a wimp, but I would posit there is something deeper here.


We all need to know what feeds us and what drains us, and when we can afford to spend of ourselves, and when we need to fill the tank. I am incredibly convicted in my life that there a several areas I need to move forward, and I am constantly on the edge of spent, so I am seeking rejuvenating activities.


What about you? Is there something that you need to find the energy to do? If you are dogged tired you won't likely go for a run. If you are mentally drained, you probably won't create much of anything. Life is a balance, and most of us want to contribute more. Are you making sure you have the energy to realistically get it done? Find a way to rejuvenate you, and then start knocking things off the list.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Ideas and Support

I wanted to tease and give a soft announcement. Next month, as I continue to create and ship more content for those following these meanderings of the mind, I am launching a podcast and starting a series of webisodes. The podcasts will have a bit of a talk radio show feel to them, the webisodes are going to start as "live" musical performances and we will see where they head from there.
An exciting piece to this is I have a sponsor/advertiser to launch with from day one, and obviously I will be letting you know more about them in due course. Exciting news indeed.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Feeding Children and Families

I spent yesterday morning at Rexdale Alliance Church in Toronto with Concord Hospitality giving back to some of those in need in the area. All in all we distributed 400 boxes of food and 400 hundred hygeine boxes to help out. A little glimpse into the day job!

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

More Songs Brewing

I know I keep threatening, but their really are several on the go. The real challenge is going to be in the production, I sense several of these tunes may end up having multiple iterations. OK, 3 by June 30, lots of work ahead. In the words of Seth Godin, "time to ship it!".

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Sunday, May 16, 2010

R & R

I suppose everybody needs it. I am currently playing golf with four buddies, new and old, in Florida. The weather is brilliant; hot and humid, just the way I like it.

I sitting on the balcony of my friends apartment overlooking the pool, listening to the fountain, while they all sleep (and I am the oldest?) and contemplating life, as I too often do, here and elsewhere I am sure.

So I just turned 40, might as well get that out there, and the natural self actilualization content is brewing: have I done enough, what is the measure of success, what makes a man so to speak?

I know a few things: knowing God and living a life that shows that means a tonne (for me sadly, always great room for improvement), loving my wife, and making her feel stellar is radically important, loving my kids and showing them 1 & 2, and lastly, finding a way to do one and two and stay focussed on the Great Commission.

That isn't everything, but it is a start to the next ten years of bucket list. Songs will follow.


Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One Thing Every Would Be Worship Leader Should Know

The Bible!
Huh? A worship leader is not a professing Christian who is musically talented and has the ability or desire to lead from the front of a church in an attempt to inspire people to feel something towards God through music etc.(although on the surface that sounds OK doesn't it)
A worship leader is a professing Christian who has a deep understanding of, and passion for, the truth of scripture, and why in the context of all scripture, the church practices congregational worship. Moreover, with that understanding their foundation, they also possess the necessary skill to lead a congregation musically, and have a desire to help lead the church in the practice worshipping God together.
A person desiring to be worship leader must develop the knowledge with the musical gift.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ship It!! {It is why you were made}

One of the folk I have been learning from lately is Seth Godin. Besides trying to read his blog regularly, I read his most recent book Linchpin. One of the things I really appreciate about his writing is that he is a motivator. Consistently positive. One of the key things that I am trying to practice from his writing is "shipping it". Aiming at something and not only trying, but to quote Yoda, "Try not, do or do not" (something like that), but actually "gettin' er done"

But that is hard isn't it!? With family to pay attention to, a house to care for, money to earn, there seems to be very little capital (time or cash) to spend to make other things happen, or at least happen faster. Right now I have several areas that I need to push forward, and I have read and try to practice the David Allen-esk "Getting Things Done" way of being, but sometimes, I think you need to simplify even more than that.

What I am trying to do is one thing to move something forward everyday. (work doesn't count, I move several things forward most days). But in terms of those other emphasis areas (family, spiritual, music etc) if I can start to close one item everyday then I should ship more.

Why is this important? A friend of mine once taught on creation (from the Bible), and brought an interesting point to light. When God created Adam and Eve in the garden there was perfection. In perfection Adam and Eve were supposed to work, to create, to enjoy the earth and all that was there for them. In perfection that was to be humans reality. Now the world is far less than perfect, but if we practice this one thing: create something that makes the world a better place everyday, however small, then hopefully over time we will be net contributors to this great planet.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Thursday, May 06, 2010

How to Change the World - Be Humble

If I have learned anything, the hard way, it is that being right in one's own mind isn't the same as being right. Humility is an interesting thing. It doesn't mean being a doormat. It certainly isn't denying or not standing up for truth, but it generally does mean applying the concept of "a gentle answer turns away wrath."
Now, when I consider trying to lead something towards positive change, change towards truth, I generally try to avoid the top spot. There can be value in that kind of control, don't get me wrong, but I find that if I am forced to influence, forced to create a business case, forced to prove truth rather than declare it to be so, I am also forced to speak softly. I am required by circumstance to put energy into actually knowing what I am talking about instead of relying on a positional strength to force my way. And at the end of the day, you learn through all of this research to prove "your truth" that you knew less before the process started than after, and it keeps you humble, and keeps you learning, and best of all, generally keeps things moving towards a better future!

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Free Social Media Icon Set

Here is a nice fellow putting this together and giving it away. Elegant Themes Blog I need to add some to my site, and this will make it far easier. I pass along the love.

Posted via web from Cliff Cline

Just Do It

Nike really has something there and most of us know it, but ironically, few of us do it.

Here is my ten cents. Just doing it is often the culmination of time and little efforts rather than one great idea or success. The Bible describes it as "running the race in such a way as to win the prize" (paraphrased).

Personal experience and learning from others has taught me that chipping away at strategic, focussed task and project lists produces results.

One of the key points here is forward momentum. Inevitably we all have bad days, sometimes weeks, but you have to avoid the months. Finding a way to get back in the routine of getting things done, the little important things like touching base with clients and friends, delivering on commitments, even self care like exercise and rejeuvenation all adds up to balance ,and success.

My favourite expression from many musicians is how they became an overnight success after 10 years. 10 years of just doing it.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Monday, May 03, 2010

Great Time At the Well

Over the past two years I have been helping a friend launch a new service at the church he pastors in Toronto. It has been a very interesting experience as I have had the opportunity to implement a strategy for church worship that I believe strongly in. The strategy aligns with my philosophy, derived from the Bible, that worship should be done excellently (see Psalm 33:3) In essence instead of hiring one worship leader we have been bringing in four excellent musicians, one of which is a worship leader, every Sunday. You can imagine, it is a great experience, and solves a common issue with start-ups or small churches: poor music.

Yesterday was another amazing day playing with my friends Eric and Rick and my old friend Kevin Birch. Playing music at a high level is inspirational in and of itself, and I think the effect of great musicality is often lost in the philosophy of worship in the church in general these days. Too many churches value participation over excellence at the expense of properly informed views on Biblical worship. Please note I am referring specifically to the musical expression of worship, but excellence should apply to all our offerings of worship to God.

Although I receive a fair amount of criticism for this view, it should be noted that I do not hold this view vacuous of other Biblical truth. I believe in the importance of the heart and spiritual maturity of leaders, but all cannot be covered in one post. What I think can be agreed on by all those involved in this service is that the out-workings of the philosophy have been reflected to the benefit of this church service plant within a church. In essence, the music is a non-issue every week. Although it is excellent, it simply facilitates worship, does not hinder, does not create debate, it simply serves the church. The musical competence creates a loving barrier to those that might want to hi-jack the worship agenda with any other. We simply worship in spirit and truth with excellence. Who can really criticize that?

Posted via web from Cliff Cline