Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Forest For The Trees

Sometimes when we are in the thick of everything, we lose perspective on where we are. We may even know, or think we know, where we are going, but we can't see the forest for the trees.

I am on a journey of producing a song a month for 2011. I suppose the whole process is my forest for the year, but each song can feel daunting at times. Last night was the mix breakthrough for March's song of the month, so it will land next week. But as I continue to walk through the forest I am creating I do want to remind everyone of the songs we are leaving behind (at least chronologically) every month.

I am incredibly happy with the January and February songs, you can see them on my site here and link to CDBaby or iTunes from there.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Big Picture

Mid 80's Michael W. Smith released a CD called the big picture. I loved that CD, went to the concert at Expo 86 in Vancouver B.C. I don't know about you, but I grew up too serious. I am sure many of my old mates would confirm said statement. One of the things I have been learning as I now try to build into my precious children, is that I need to create and model the big picture, and that picture is a marathon, not a sprint. You have to live with the end in mind, but you have to live. I once did a concert years ago that I titled "live, love, laugh, philosophize." In retrospect, most of the concert was the last word of that phrase.

A year goes by relatively quickly when you plod through it. Some might think that is a good thing if you are having a tough year. But if you have nothing to look forward to, and nothing to look back on, no milestones of growth, or even family vacation, or time with friends, it will feel like you did nothing.

I think weekly reflection is so important when you are trying to live a life of balance, because balance isn't doing the same percentage of things every week, balance is knowing what to emphasize at different times to keep your life moving towards and within, the big picture.

One of my favorites from that Album: Lamu

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Monday, March 28, 2011

Studio Tonight

The March song of the month is close. I have to go in tonight and touch up the mix, but it should go live early next week at the latest, a little late, but staying on pace for the big goal of one song a month.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Peek Inside....

Positivity is so important, I really believe that. So is continuing to learn by reading a couple of books a month, so is setting goals and meeting them and shipping, for instance a song every month, or a blog post nearly everyday. My goal, bottom line, is to inspire through this blog and my songs and to add value to whoever might interact with these efforts, I hope I am succeeding, but it is too early to know. And guess what, it is tiring.

I remember a great line from the "Happiness Advantage" where Shawn Anchor mocks himself for being depressed at failing, for after all, how can a positive psychologist be depressed!?

I just want to be honest about the process. It is a lot of work, and there are valleys. Right now, I need to push forward, get the March song of the month done, and keep walking. Maybe some of you have been inspired enough by reading this blog to do what I am doing this year. Trying to break through some long standing barriers and go to the next level. I kind of look at this like working out. I am near the end of a workout, it hurts, but just one more set and then a day off. Keep you posted.....

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stay All In

I woke up this morning, not from my sleep, but from the daze..
The pedantic, albeit necessary, journey of a thousand miles
And I saw my child, adoring, relishing my attention, those moments spent together

"Stay all in," my soul shouted, "Do not let these moments slip away!"

For little girls become women, and little boys become men
Better off all, from every ounce of love that I can extract in the midst, and give

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Monday, March 21, 2011

Life Design

I am reading a book on business design currently. I will post a link to it soon. I have heard the concepts in this book espoused in different ways. One of the old ways was simply the maturity cycle of a business represented in the graph below. When looking at a single business the peak really represents the full leverage of an idea in its current form for that business. Its leadership cannot take it any further without further innovation. Good leadership makes sure there is always new thinking and ideas being invested in, so that part way up the climb a second and third curve is forming. By doing this, although product lines or iterations of service change, the troughs are "hidden" by waves of growth that keep the company moving forward.


Now how about your life? Are you doing the hard work of monitoring your growth? Seeing the end of a cycle in your own life and preparing innovation for the next phase. Are your children about to leave the home for university? Have you started building new hobbies, traditions activities with your spouse and grown children to keep those relationships growing through the next phase? How about career? What are you working on, how are you growing? Life design is much like business design. You have to think ahead and continue to innovate to avoid troughs. Make no mistake, the trough is still there. Your child is still leaving for university, but the positive distraction of the next innovation keeps everything moving forward.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rock Star

I don't think I have blogged that I finally have outfitted myself with an electric guitar. It was time to start playing and recording with those sounds, and the March song of the month definitely needed it. Last night was great, laying down some guitar tracks for the new tune, which is really starting to shape up.

I have to admit, there is a completely different feeling playing electric. Overdrive, delay etc., so fun. Kind of makes you feel like...well a rock star. I highly recommend it.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The End Game

I just finished reading the memoir of Warren Bennis,"Still Surprised." It was definitely An interesting read from the perspective of an educator who lived through WWII and so much social change in North America and Europe these past 70 years.

One of the things that struck me...again..was the process of the journey. The best way I can describe the sentiment that I I want to convey is this.

My beautiful wife wakes up almost everyday to the same "chores". Making meals, taking care of all of the sundry cleaning and operational tasks that keep our family running. I think if you look at it as plainly as that, who needs it. However, when one looks at the vision of what we are trying to accomplish and her role in it, you realize we are trying to raise children who know and love God and see the world for all that it could and should be. Stef creates the space, the infrastructure, and has the lions share of relational time with the blessings that we are trying to do right by. What a wonderful vision for a job: Change agent, motivator, inspiration, hero, and she is all those things.

Understanding vision and context is so important. It may not change the fact that they are emails to write, meetings to go to, production to be done, a good part of which seems to lack inspirational qualities. But when all of those tasks are leading towards the end game, they become far more meaningful and I think enjoyable.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Lost it in Worship.....

I had an interesting week. I was completely tired when Thursday night worship practice came around, and exercise that often lasts two hours. For whatever reason the band hit it amazingly that night. Great parts, a couple of unique arrangements, and in the end we were done in an hour. Hard to believe really.

Sunday morning came and the first service was great, really great worship. The second service I lost it. I don't know if anyone really noticed, I held it together kind of, but it was rough, and brilliant. God was there, and I suppose one way of saying it is that I noticed, I engaged.

Don't get me wrong, that is always the goal, but sometimes trying to lead and pull the band takes so much attention that as the leader there is not much brain space to engage with God. I have long posited that bands need to be semi-pro or better....this is why. When the music fades, because it is not effort to those playing, worship emerges. I spent two years in Toronto leading a church where we had pro bands, I felt like last Sunday almost every Sunday I led. I had forgotten. The congregation knows too. The band almost disappears when there is no train wreck coming, and they can "fall" into worship.

Although there may be some who find this philosophy of worship too exclusive or excellence driven, for me it keeps being proved over and over. God will show up whenever and to whomever He chooses, He just does. That doesn't negate the truth in Psalm 33:3, paraphrased, "Make a joyful noise to God, play skilfully to Him."

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Friday, March 11, 2011

Corrections and Omissions Included

My plan is to continue to share how my goals for the year are going, and to encourage readers here to regularly throughout the year re-boot as necessary to get/keep on track to having a great year of moving forward and achieving personal goals.

One goal I have not mentioned is getting in shape. Forgive my simplicity but I finally realized something, I needed to permanently change what I was eating. You see, I have been working out regularly for several years. My blood pressure, blood work, heart and general fitness were good but I was carrying too much weight. Diets always get you to omit and correct eating habits. The issue as we have all heard many times is once the diet is gone, then what? We return to our old ways and the pounds return as well.

I have finally embraced that I must change what I eat....forever. I must omit certain things forever. I must correct certain habits forever. Wow....

But I have done that in other areas of my life: spiritually, at work, in my marriage, with my kids. I have practiced instruments, even when I did not want to, certainly I can do this.

I have and continue to do it, and it is very difficult, but getting easier. I am not sure what the tipping point is, but I have embraced  the change and I have lost 24 pounds so far this year. I have more to go, but I have every confidence that I will achieve it, and maintain it forever.

There is one very fun and interesting thing I am trying to do. Find new treats. Just because I have had to give up less than healthy habits, doesn't mean I can't find some really cool new ones. Exotic foods, unique recipes, changed workout routines, there is so much good to replace the old to make the new life not difficult, but exciting.

Like anything, there is change, transition and new processes. So how are you doing? If you feel like your goals are slipping, re-boot. Take this weekend and re-clarify how you are going to start/keep working towards your goals. Incremental change begets big change. Nothing begets, well nothing.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wonderful Pathways

When you meet new people you often are asked to tell the short synapse of your journey. You do that enough, with the occasional deep question thrown in like "so where do you think you are going?" and it forces you to ponder. I dislike the word regret, but I would be lying if I did not say I have made some career choices that I would do over.

That being said, I also have tried to learn from all of the experiences life has given me to build them into something quasi-cohesive. You can probably tell from this blog it is a work in process.

One of the  best learning's is a theme we all hear, but is worth repeating here as an encouragement to us all. The joy is in the journey. Let's be real, not in every step, but it is important to keep the positive eye on progress and experiences and even the brief moments of pure happiness.

I remember the first Christmas my eldest daughter was truly aware of what was going on. We came down Christmas morning, the tree lights went on, the smell of coffee was in the air (oh wait, that was my memory), the tree had presents under it, and the stocking was full. Hands together clapping she cried out "joyous, joyous, joyous!" To my recollection she had never uttered that phrase before, and hasn't since. A moment of overwhelming wonder and excitement. My daughter joyous!

My wife and I have worked hard to create those moments as regularly as possible for our children, each other, for others and I am so excited for how all of the wonderful pathways from our history will influence our future. Take some time to remember your pathway and work hard to create some joyous moments for you and all those around you!

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Nothing New...

There is that Biblical philosophical pondering: "There is nothing new under the sun." I am not trying to refute the underpinnings of the thought, but there are many things new to me and you. First smiles from our first child, first house or apartment, first kiss with the one! Lots of great firsts.

One of the joys in life is finding, creating and sharing something new with someone.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Update from The Studio

I think I am still a couple of weeks away from the release of the March song of the month. This month, as I mentioned is to be a worship tune. I had a great weekend last weekend laying down beds and finally found a great groove between bass and drums. Very excited. I am planning on this being a little bigger production than last month's simpler love song production. I will also be releasing a lead sheet for those interested in it for their church.

I did change the website up a little creating a music page. The songs of the month can be found down the right side full CDs/EPs can be found down the left.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Monday, March 07, 2011

You Thought it Would Be Different

I have used this phrase many a time, but I did not know it was attributable to Albert Einstein. "Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result."

It is not enough to write a new vision or purpose statement. Saying that over and over might be the start to casting vision for change, for forward progress, but without substantive practical change, change in process, new skills development and different communication strategies, what makes you think anything will change?

One of the biggest obstacles to change is "fair" competence. It allows you to fend off those who may be following you with mere words and inspirational speeches while underneath you are not doing anything to grow your own skills and abilities. In the end, however, what you have created is an expectation that you will not meet, and sadly, that will actually make you go backwards as those who are watching start to see through the words and realize there is no substance behind.

This, of course, could be seen as a rant, but it shouldn't be, because you can always make a concerted effort to not ride on the talent, skills or processes you already know and instead start changing what you do to line up with the vision you are casting.

There is a finer point here. Many leaders reach "the top", or their goal and feel that they have arrived. They deserve a break, they have garnered the skills and positional level they need, now they just need to lead others. True leadership is not authority, it is accountability, it isn't honour, it is humility, it isn't being served, it is serving others. Desiring to lead is a good thing, understanding that leadership is service: priceless.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Friday, March 04, 2011

Forced Creativity

Is that an oxymoronic phrase? I actually don't think so. I do know that in life we practice in a disciplined way, study in a disciplined way, and show up and perform once the date is booked. For many of us though, songwriting or producing waits for the inspired moments. I thought last month was tough trying to get "I Want To Tell You" released. This month has proven harder. Song is finished, has been for a while, but the producing is a grind. Making some break-throughs, and it will ship this month, but I am have to pull the creative out of me.

I think this process is true for all of us. We don't have to be a musical artist, or even in the arts to need something creative to come out of us. The challenge is to force ourselves into a space where we are actually, actively trying to break through the barrier in our way rather than waiting for the inspiration to hit.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Thursday, March 03, 2011

God and our {un}Spiritual Western World

One of the philosophical arguments for the existence of God is the universal belief in a greater power. One of the arguments against said thought is that humans are wrongly looking outside of ourselves for purpose or meaning, a crutch as it were.

Another approach to this question is: "Do we "create" God to fill a meaning void, or do we have a spiritual being, a soul, which senses a connection to something outside of ourselves, maybe something we are related to somehow?"

Western civilization has become {un}spiritual. Think about it. We are becoming experts at "cleaning" things of their spiritual roots. Yoga, Karate, sometimes even churches. We don't teach about spiritual things in lower levels of school at all, and even our spiritual schools are accused of becoming academically focused rather than spiritually minded.

There are various reports I hear about Canadians and Americans professing belief in God. Reports that declare large percentages believe.

There is an interesting and difficult theme as it relates to the God of the Bible, and His son Jesus. Repentance. God is the creative force of the universe and perfect. Most of us would freely admit we are not perfect, nor capable of creating matter at any level. God's laws or guidance on how to live are clear and understandable, and we need to correct to those laws when we are not in alignment with them. The Biblical and somewhat scary, humbling word that represents this process is to repent. To say sorry, to ask forgiveness of God and move back towards belief through adherence to the laws the One we claim belief in gave us. Jesus reiterated and became a permanent way to actually know God, a replacement to the old system of repentance that had to be be physically repeated. But you can't get around that word and the action it requires, repentance.

This is far deeper than a few paragraphs except it isn't. There is no such thing as an {un}spiritual God of the Bible. We cannot say we believe in Him and strip Him of all that He has given to us (The Bible, and the life of  His own Son Jesus) and our very life. When it comes to God, belief in Him requires acknowledgment and alignment with all that He is. Otherwise you may believe in something, but it is not the God of the Bible.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

How To Inspire Those You Lead

This may sound oversimplified, but the way to inspire your team, your company, your family is to give them something to follow. I heard Bill Hybels of WillowCreek say years ago (I don't know if it was his line) "speed of the leader, speed of the team". It is not enough to be President or Vice President and use positional authority to demand submission. It is not even enough to provide tasks lists so long that days are full of work. No, you have to grow yourself and pass on that growth. You have to walk with people and help them succeed both at work and in life. In the end, like it or not, being the leader can't be about a larger salary, more perks and the ability to sit back and have everybody else do the work. To truly lead, you need to set the example in all things, and care enough to help others along the path you are blazing.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

"In" Production

The year marches on. One of the things I am learning is that network is so important. Who likes you or buys your music is often influenced by who you like and who you buy. I have long been passionate about the concept of Canadian artists supporting each other, and I think many of them do. Since I have this forum I thought I would start highlighting some good work when I see it from time to time.

Andrew Horrocks of A.M.E, Recording Studio has been pumping out many great artists and music as a producer for years. Although I have not had the ability to work with him professionally I have really appreciated the work he has done for several Canadian artists. Some of you may know Ali Matthews. Andrew's work was included on several tracks on her new CD. Ali is a very decorated musician in Canada, and it is good to see the growth and change that working with Andrew brought her on this last project. We all need to keep growing and developing, and often we need to try new things to get there. Check out here new CD.

As you have read here I am pushing myself this year by producing a song every month. I have changed my music page on my website to make navigating through my releases easier. On the right are my songs of the month, Jan and Feb released and ready on iTunes ad CDBaby. My other 3 CDs from 2002 to 2009 are there as well. I am in pre-production on the March song of the month, it will be the first worship song of the series.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline