Saturday, June 18, 2005

John Maxwell is killing me!!

You know, committing to grow in knowledge is intellectually admirable, practically painful and always an eye opener. Those that don't commit themselves to it will often find they are self un-aware. (check this blog)

I have been reading a couple of John Maxwell books lately. Finished 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and am most of the way through the 17 Irrefutable Laws of Teamwork.

Obviously there is a lot in these books that I know. The issue quickly becomes, even though you have knowledge, how well are you implementing it into your reality. Leading and Team playing, not mutually exclusive. A friend of mine has repeatedly said to me having a big vision is one thing, but the true test of a leader is actually taking people to where you claim you are going.

Not particularly planning on revealing much more than that today, but man do I have to take it to the next level. Another year of growth it is. Pray for me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cliff,
I just finished watching John Maxwell's DVD entitled, "How to Develop a Dream" for the 2nd time through. There is so much to gleam from his teaching. Your title, "John Maxwell is killing me!"
made me burst into giggles! Oh, can I ever relate to you! I've got so much more work to do and I need to stay focused in order for my dream to become a reality. I suggest that perhaps the two of us take time this summer to pray for one another! (It might lesson the growing pains!) ((smile))
A fellow pilgrim

Anonymous said...

Hi Cliff,
I read the chapter on "The Law of Niche". I can't say that I have found mine in the church I attend. (Sigh) Maybe it's just time to move on,
Have a great summer growin'!

Cliff Cline said...

Some learning that I have done is that our niche in the church is always two or three layers deep. The one thing that we ALL are is disciples. That means every single Christian needs to be in the process of making another disciple and growing deeper themselves. That is every Christians "job".

Secondly we all need to be loving people. We need to love (and worship God) then love everyone around us, in the church and the world. ("job description")

These two areas don't rely on the skills or talents we may have. They simply rely on us working biblically, and I know it means with much effort and pain to some, to grow in these areas so that we have a positive influence in the body of Christ called the church. This is the level where our spiritual gifts are realized and used to edify the whole body.

Thirdly is a mesh between spiritual gifts and talents and abilities, and is most often where we find a kind our niche. For me this has traditionally been music, mixed with my spiritual gifts of leadership, administration and teaching.

The catch is for many, level three largely never comes before some depth in "success" in levels one and two. Think about it. To go back to a Maxwell theme, how much more value is one to the team if the first thing that hits people is the fact that one is an authentic, loving, growing disciple who is about "the team" above everything else.

I will pray for you, and thanks for interacting with this stuff - God's best for you pilgrim.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cliff,
I greatly appreciate your response and especially your prayers. I am serving with my gifts in my local church but basically there are no opportunities to serve with my talents and abilities which presents a source of frustration for me. It seems that your church is the perfect fit for you as you have the opportunity to not only serve with your gifts but your talents as well. Please pray that God leads me to a church where I can use both my spiritual gifts and my talents and abilities as yourself. Thanks,