Sunday, September 11, 2005

Keeping Busy

Well the week continues and I have had guilt for not blogging enough. This week has been incredibly fun. Concert on Friday night went very well. Man I forgot what it was like to be your own set-up dude. (rodie?) It has been a long time since I was in need of renting, but the venue we were at demanded it, alas we did. The concert was great, as was the band. Reallya privilege to be able to work with these guys.

Today we are back to 2 services at church and we have a very cool Leadership Gathering happening at the church which I have coordinated and will be "producing" this evening. Then a heavy week getting ready for the Fusion Conference, a worship conference we are hosting at our church. Tuesday night meeting, Wednesday and Thursday rehearsals, a Cliff Cline concert here at Valley View to kick off the conference Friday night and then the whole day conference followed by two services and then I lead and speak at the Church Coffee House Sunday night. I think this will be the busiest stretch this fall, but there is still time to book more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping too busy isn't good, you will lose focus on the important things. Take time to reflect on the impact you are having on the ones closest to you. More are watching than you know.

Are you getting enough help? Are you involving enough people? Are you getting different people involved? or are you using the same people over and over? Are you communicating the vision enough? Are the ones around you inline with the vision - Most important is it Gods vision, Gods plan? If yes then all the answers will be there right answers, and you can rest, in the knowledge that you are following Gods will.