Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Year in Review

Ministry life has been growing there is no doubt. This will be one of many blogs that analyzes different parts of what I have been doing this past year. One of the things I do is lead worship at Valley View. It is part of my day job as an Associate Pastor there. When it is all said and done I have done alot of singing and leading this year.
  1. Morning Services (many Sunday morning for 2 services both counted estimated) 84
  2. Church Coffee House Services conservatively 15
  3. Cliff Cline Concerts/Appearances 21
That is a total of 120 Services, concerts or appearances this year. That is probably a little on the low side. Just an interesting look back for me. That doesn't include that I have preached and/or taught (many times at the same service) an additional 20 times this year. When you think that I probably average 10 hours of prep for a talk and 4 hours of prep (including rehearsal) for a worship service you are looking at 680 hours of my year. That of course doesn't take into account the sound checks or the actual service time or concert time and travel. Too much to look at the extra-curricular 21 gigs, but the church stuff estimates in around 290 hours a year. So about 970 hours in prep and execution of the music and speaking side of my ministry.

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