Friday, March 17, 2006

Gaining Knowledge

I, as most who would read this blog, am on a journey. There have been some incredible things I have learned from God in these past few days. I don't think I could ever write them in a single entry. It feels like a book of information, and that has been so encouraging.

At the same time I have been on a very regular journey. A plugging away journey. I am taking a masters course right now on Biblical Interpretation for Preaching and Teaching. Besides being incredibly humbled by the process, I am finding it a source of personal comfort. Comfort because although I leave every session or assignment feeling inadequate for what I don't know, I am caught in the truth that at least I am trying to add knowledge to this proud foolish man. The verses below speak to the need to do so.


So be encouraged. If you are on the regular journey of trying to grow in God, it is the right thing to do. If you are not, be encouraged, the process can be very simple to start, not always "easy", but right!

God Bless.

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