Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend!

We haven't been as busy as we were this past Thanksgiving in years. Three dinners: one Saturday, Sunday and Monday. (throw a church service in there as well!) Saw almost all of our immediate family and some friends, that alone something to be thankful for.

Unfortunately I came down with a pretty good cold that has gotten worse today. Hopefully I can fight it off before the big drive to Florida for vacation at the end of this week!

Pre-production on the CD has been happily taking up alot of time lately. What can I say, the process has really lit some creative juices and I am growing more and more comfortable on the engineering side. I have been reading for a couple of years now on mic techniques, mixing techniques etc. trying to get some knowledge into the brain, and although I got some practice on the really low end version of Cubase I was using for some songwriting, working in Logic (Express) has been a great experience. Anyway, I am sure I need to find other things to post about, because the CD is months away, but man am I enjoying the process!!

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