Monday, May 05, 2008

The Stewardship Dance

It has been a year since I left being a "professional Pastor" at a church. I am now an attender at a church. It is an interesting transition which is not complete.

North America (Canada) is a strange and critical place, and implementing the vision Jesus set before us in the great commission is complicated. Jesus never required a building or programs (it would seem) to implement His vision through his work. Of course, he did use the infrastructure in place quite a lot, so he did not seem to reject the notion that the places were useful.

The ongoing conversation (and one that I think needs to continue) is whether or not it is wise to spend millions of dollars on buildings, land, sound equipment etc., when the money could be spent to feed the poor in Canada and around the world.

Here is where the disconnect is for me. Remembering I work daily to feed children in Canada and around the world. Our mission as Christians is primarily to teach and live the teachings of Jesus. Literally, creating atmospheres and opportunities for more people to just hear about Jesus and what he taught. An outcome from living what he taught should be both extravagant worship of Jesus and God (think of the women who poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet with His approval) AND taking care of the poor (think Jesus asking in heaven why we did not give water and food to those in need).

So for me the answer is an ongoing tension. To build a building that can communicate in the vernacular of our time musically and through teaching makes sense, even if it costs some money. What doesn't make sense is the Pastor or people in the congregation living high on the hog. That too, of course, is a sliding scale worthy of much debate, but at some point we must sacrifice things to live more simply and give more away.

Like I said, ongoing tension, but sometimes the tension can be created because the vision is not being viewed holistically.


Anonymous said...

Interesting that a lot of churches in the Fraser Valley in B.C. don't have their own buildings, but rent space from local schools. Their "ministry in a box" frees up funds to do ministry locally. Check out Love Chilliwack as an example...

Cliff Cline said...

That is interesting. I think it is an ongoing stewardship debate.

Investing in real estate for the ongoing ministry can lower monthly cashflow commitments immediately and for the future allowing for "24/7" work to occur out of a building with the saving in cashflow. The issue is whether more ministry actually happens, or if the money is just spent on more stuff. Leasing a school in ON, from my conversatrions with churches, has proven to be as expensive for 3 hours on a Sunday morning as leasing a whole building 24/7 or owning an equivilent space with a right sized mortgage. Each environment has to be analyzed continually to see what option will have the most kingdom impact. As such, it is great to know about different options like the BC one, it can help churches make decisions on how they should move in their environment.