Saturday, January 30, 2010

Linchpin and Natasha Bedingfield

I have been reading Seth Godin's blog for a while now, and finding it very useful to spark my mind to action. I just purchased his latest book Linchpin and for me it may just be life changing. I am not talking life changing like Jesus or the Bible, but life changing nonetheless. I recommend the read. You are welcome Seth.

Natasha Bedingfield is inspiring me huge right now. I am currently re-building my "studio" and am in physical pain that the inspiration is not being turned into my own creations right now. Natasha, we are on a first name basis you see [not], is a brilliant singer, huge voice, and her music is well, joyous. I like it, she's given me a "pocket full of sunshine"!

What is next:
2010 is the year of "Buried Thoughts" the new CD. If you like it tell someone, buy it, share it, and come see me sing or even book me!!

I led music for a prayer service last night at Forestview, cool. Small gathering, but great environment at the new church we are going to. I lead for the service a week this Sunday, so I am looking forward to that huge.

I lead and speak at The Well tomorrow. Maybe I will see you there.

Work and Haiti:

I was able to get another small team out this morning from Trenton air force base. A missionary teacher, and two nurses and a medic to help with our partner Mission of Hope. To support the work we are doing there in Canada you can go to I have confirmed thy have arrived safely and are on their way to engage in work. Bless them as they give!!

Last word for encouraged, in the midst of pain and disaster there is hope, there are wonderful loving people who are giving so much, yes to help in Haiti, but also right here in Canada, in neighbourhoods, in downtown cores to bless those without. Be encouraged that thy are doing this, and well, figure out how to be a apart of the blessing too.


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