Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Are You a Hoarder, No really?

Our family has had an interesting ride over the years in terms of living arrangements. In terms of expectation we have never hit mine. I really wanted to live in a larger home than we live in, have space for, well anything I deemed necessary. Our first townhouse was almost as big as our current detached home. Of course there is the small difference of 4 more family members in the form of amazing children. It is also smaller than our last semi. So what Cliff, what's your point?

I suppose the thing that has been remarkable to me is how much we have purged, how little is coming into our home, and how 3 plus years after moving into a smaller space I still feel like I have too much stuff. Even though we have purged I still feel myself holding onto things. Trophies from when I was a kid, school projects, old music recordings and videos of live performances and TV appearances.

Lately, I have been in purge mode again. This stuff has been weighing me down. I want a simpler "cleaner" life. I need to right size my stuff to fit my space. Although not of the epic proportions of some reality TV shows, I am a hoarder, and it is time to purge once and for all. David Allen of getting things done fame talks about how important it is to take the weight of your mind to reduce stress and actually allow you to get things done.

A sidebar, I have very recently started using TeuxDeux on my desktop and iPhone to help get things out of my mind and on to a task list. Having the sync ability and the portability of the iPhone is helping immensely. I will let you know how sustainable I find this latest foray into organization and control in digital list form.

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

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