Monday, May 02, 2011

Is There Any Room for Space?

I was just reading a post by Sara Groves on information overload. She was commenting on how there is a fatigue that comes from the constant connection we have to technology and information etc. One of her points was that it drains energy to the point that creativity is stifled. One of the biggest challenges to most creative endeavours is having the space to fashion your art. In the end you have to make room in your life to have space.

As a part-time artist with a young family and a full-time job I get it. Technology can often be a friend, helping reduce costs and distribute the music in ways that could never be done before. But the universal access to many broadcast platforms causes a reverberation of white noise that one is always trying to break through to be heard.

I am not sure what the balance is, but I know I need to spend more time in the "quiet" of my writing space, unplugged, free to clear my mind of the dull roar of the social network sphere to write and produce. I am sure you have your music equivalent. Are you struggling with creating room for space? How do you try and create those art fashioning times?

Posted via email from Cliff Cline

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